Now, I will pass this on to another "lovely lady" Kim from Bella Della! She is such a dedicated blogger and leaves such sweet comments on, not only my blog, but many blogs! I love to see pictures of her little store and was excited to see her $4.50 Ann Taylor outfit...that's my kind of shopping!
Thanks so much Laura and Kim for keeping me inspired to continue blogging when I feel like I don't have a second to spare!

Oh, what a wonderful surprise. Thank you so, so much. And you know, tomorrow will be my big 100th post! Wow! You know that I enjoy your blog tremendously and get so excited when you have a new post. I love that you share my passion for a bargain and we are practically neighbors. Perhaps soon we will have to sit down and share a meal and some chat. No shopping though :)
Thank you again. I really do appreciate it so much. Have a great week and talk to you soon.
congratulations on the award from Laura, she is a sweetheart for sure!
Ahhh...well that was a lovely post! And you *so* are a thrifty goddess. ;-)
- Laura
Congratulations on your award! It was nice of you to pass it on to Kim - she is such a deserving recipient:)
I just discovered your comment on my post about the Firemen's Parade. I can't believe it! Congrats to the Frog Level guys!! We MUST be neighbors:) I live in King & Queen County, but my daughter goes to HHS. We have a business on the 360 side near BPES. I would just love to meet you sometime!
Do your daughters attend KCES? My daughter participates in the SODA program, and may have your oldest in her class:)
Chesapeake Bay Woman and I are in the beginning stages of planning a Virginia Blogger Gathering (Not limited to people in VA). Would you be interested in attending? We are trying to see what type of interest we can generate before we get into the details.
If you'd like, you can email me at we3alleykatz@earthlink.net That would give us an opportunity to speak a little more openly:)
Awww you deserve that award. I wanted to let ya know I posted my treats from you! I DID something with the actual container the lettering came in rofl...I know I am mad I tell ya! I can't throw anything away. I did put the family sign up but have not shared it yet. It was tricky to do for me cuz our walls are text. pretty heavy. I love your house. cherry
Well done for getting your award, you deserve it.
Oh, my goodness, could your blog be anymore adorable. I am in love with your header. Found my way down the bloggy trail here and am off to take a look around :)
M ^..^
Hi, what a great blog you have...I just found you and love all your creativity! It is wonderful and you certainly deserve that award! Have a blessed day!
I am adding you to my fav. list. and I will be back!
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