Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Cutest Kitchen Things at the Target Dollar Spot

To those of you who don't think I shop anywhere but Goodwill and yard sales (and you know who you are), I do every once in awhile get out to Targé!

Are these things cute or what?!Although these cuties were in the Dollar Spot, they were $2.50 each. Now don't get me wrong, I still think these were a great deal...but why is it called the Dollar Spot when half of the things cost $2.50 now? Well, if you're interested in these things, you better go to your local Target and scarf some up because, if gas can go up to $4.00 a gallon and a gallon of milk to $5.00, then surely inflation will force the Dollar Spot to become the Four Dollar Spot very soon!
Au Revoir!

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